3.6.2023 23:00



Balzacc30 & Rougehotel (hybrid live/Geneva)
GiGii (Dj/Geneva)
Apu Nanu (Dj/Athens)
Prairie F33 b2b Xafya Lovecraft (Dj/Zurich)

say ipod six times then repost then look at your hand… hmm .6 members of the lovecraft guild come together from Athens, Geneva and Zurich to realign the realms of creation. not a concert, not a clubnight but a secret third thing. Balzacc30 & Rougehotel with a hybrid set blending live performance, VVS produced . followed by GiGii’s pazzo Dj set Era. Apu Nanu brings you textural deconstructed music and a bucket full of rare items, mainly spoons, gathered in Athens. For the finale we peak with a b2b from Prairie F33 & Xafya Lovecraft, to either awaken something in you or idk . music <3
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