9.6.2024 20:00

Swim Supply – JFTL (a/v) Album Tour

Swim Supply – JFTL (a/v) Album Tour

JFTL (a/v)

Mateo Hurtado (hybrid)

moodybabe078 (dj)

# JFTL (a/v)
JFTL is a New York based artist that has been working in sound, video, and installation art for three decades now. After debuting his newest project at this year’s Bad Bonn Kilbi, JFTL will visit Umbo for one last A/V performance. It’s a very trippy and dancey affair, it’s about 1h long, and you really shouldn’t miss it.

# Mateo Hurtado (hybrid)
One of our favourite synth operators. Very techno, but also not. Mateo will probably present introspective music for the fried mind. As such, we’re very much looking forward to the psychic cleansing process. Live, with machines, cables, and everything.

# moodybabe078 (dj)
moodybabe078 is the cutest person, and will be playing music before and after the shows. Maybe NDW breakup songs, maybe mutant bass explorations, maybe something else entirely. We’ll find out together.

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